Microsoft on müünud 8 miljonit Xbox One konsooli.


Yusuf Mehdi, Microsofti Seadmete ja Stuudiote asepresident, on teatanud, et ettevõte on müünud jaemüüjatele üle 8 miljoni Xbox One konsooli. Mõnda aega tagasi saime teada, et Nintendo on müünud 7,3 miljonit Wii U konsooli alates selle väljatulekust 2012 aastal ning Sony on kokku müünud 13,5 miljonit Playstation 4 konsooli. Medhi teatas ka, et Xbox One müük USAs on järsult kasvanud tänu hinna langetamisele ja et viimase paari nädala jooksul on Xbox One konsooli müüdud kiiremini kui konkurentide konsoole.

“The response to this wave of blockbuster game releases and new bundles has been amazing, and sales have skyrocketed since the new price took effect on Nov. 2. Compared to the previous week, Xbox One sales in the US have more than tripled, which is exciting as more and more friends will be playing together this holiday. As we head into the busy holiday season Xbox One led generation 8 console sales in the US for the past two weeks. Shortly, we will have sold in to retailers more than 10 million Xbox One consoles.”