Minecraft püstitas Guinness Maailma Rekordi


Minecrafti fännid püstitasid uue Guinessi Maailma Rekordi viimasel nädalavahetusel.

Nimelt külastas sel nädalavahetusel Londonis toimuvat Minecon 2015 üle 10 000 Minecrafti fänni. Tegemist on “ühe videomängu suurima konventsiooniga”.

Tens of thousands of players fill London’s Excel to experience Minecon, a celebration of the video game Minecraft
Foto: Rebecca Andrews/REX Shutterstock
Two Minecraft characters at Minecon
Foto: Katherine Anne Rose (Observer)
Minecraft players
Foto: Katherine Anne Rose (Observer)
Players in costumes pose for photographs.
Foto: Rebecca Andrews/REX Shutterstock
Eli Cuthbert,10 from Kirkcaldy plays Minecraft with his dad. His costume is his own ‘skin’, or personalised character, called EliTNT
Foto: Katherine Anne Rose (Observer)
Atticus Ahearn, 12, is dressed as a ‘mooshroom’, which is a mix of a cow and a mushroom. She has come especially for the convention from San Jose, California
Foto: Katherine Anne Rose (Observer)