Uued mängud 11.05-17.05


Selle nädal jooksul ilmuvad mängud. Nimele klikkimine suunab treilerile.

Mäng Platvorm Kuupäev
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years PC 12/5/2015
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster PS4 12/5/2015
Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains 3DS 12/5/2015
Invisible, Inc. PC/MAC 12/5/2015
Ultratron PS3/PS4/PSV/Wii U 12/5/2015; 14/5/2015 Wii U
Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark PS4/X1 13/5/2015
Axiom Verge PC/Mac/Linux 14/5/2015
Funk of Titans Wii U 14/5/2015
Galactic Civilizations III PC 14/5/2015
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 iOS, PC, Android 14/5/2015
Nihilumbra Wii U 14/5/2015
Not a Hero PC 14/5/2015
Oddwings Escape iOS 14/5/2015
Snake Rewind iOS 14/5/2015

Allikas: Games Press