PUBG sai omale arvutil ja Xbox One peal värsked uuendused


Petmised on PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds mängus olnud tõsine probleem ning arendaja teeb tõsiseid jõupingutusi, et takistada mängijatel süsteemi petmist.

Eelmise nädala keskel tuli PUBG arvutiversioonile uuendus, mis lubab nüüd mängijatel taasesituse kaudu (replay) raporteerida mängijatest keda kahtlustad petmises. S.t. et sa ei pea saama tapetud petmises kahtlustava mängija poolt, et kasutada raporteerimise vahendit.

Mängu lisati ka kaks uut loot-kasti , mis sisaldavad Desperado ja Biker kosmeetilisi asju. Tehtud on mitmeid parandusi ja sisse viidud ka teisi muudatusi. Näiteks Miramar kaardile on lisatud erinevaid objekte, mis pakuksid mängijatele rohkem varjumise võimalusi.


  • Added more objects around La Bendita on Miramar to increase the amount of cover


  • Reduced the visible distance when parachuting down in order to test the optimization of server and client performance at the early phases of the game


  • Changed the design of the energy drink


  • Adjusted the squad team colors (players 1-4) to better reflect their callout names (yellow, orange, blue, green)
    • Adjusted squad team colors to make them more consistent between different colorblind options
  • Added a function where a player can select more detailed criteria for the “Cheating” category in the in-game report tool
    • You can choose multiple items or you can just report without selecting any of them


  • While player’s nameplate is on (H key), now you can check the current weapon of that player by pressing G key
  • Added report button in replay
    • Report button pops up when pressing RMB on the player list (TAB key)
    • While observing / following mode, report button appears on the timeline (J key)
  • Added a care package icon changing effect according to the status
    • The icon will be different when the care package is falling and looted by other players
  • Adjusted replay system so that now a player can watch the replay without extra delay in the following cases
    • Solo mode
    • When the player won the match
    • When all teammates are eliminated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where when a player lands from the plane the position of character teleports intermittently
  • Fixed the issue where character animation is frozen when rejoining after a crash
  • Fixed the issue where the red zone disappears instantly after it formed
  • Fixed the issue where some vehicles spawned on Miramar are stuck to an object and unable to move
  • Fixed the issue where a player sometimes couldn’t pass through a door even though it was open
  • Fixed the issue where mouse cursor would disappear on a replay map
  • Fixed the issue where when replay and death cam were played, the crosshair was bouncing
  • Fixed the issue where the falling speed meter text was showing abnormally in Portuguese

New Content

  • Added two new crates (free / paid)

Muudatused Xbox One versioonis:


  • Pistols have been removed from Y button’s weapon rotation and grouped with the melee weapon.
  • Players can now equip pistols by pressing ‘up’ on the D pad.


  • Continued improvements related to player “rubber banding.”
  • Enhanced server performance while parachuting.


  • Added a new controller preset to options menu.
    • Type B (new preset) now supports:
      • Holding LT to aim down sight.
      • Holding LB to use 3rd person perspective aim sight.
  • Controller guide has been updated to include the new controller preset.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players repositioned out of the battleground after certain actions and remained invulnerable until the end of the match.
  • Additional memory and non-memory related crash fixes.
  • Fixed the inability to join duo/squad through invites outside of game.