Playstation Now mängude nimistu.


Playstation Now beeta testimisse lasti üle 100 erineva mängu, mida on võimalik rentida. Mängud on jagatud nelja ajalisse kategooriasse (4 h, 7 päeva, 30 päeva & 90 päeva) ja rendihinnad algavad 2.99.- US dollarist. Millal Meie teenust kasutada saame, ei ole kahjuks veel teada.


Kõik hinnad on US dollarites.

Title 4 Tundi 7 Päeva 30 Päeva 90 Päeva
Adventure Time – Explore the Dungeon 4.99 7.99 14.99 29.99
Alone in the Dark: Inferno 4.99
Alpha Protocol 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Anomaly Warzone Earth 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Back to the Future Episode 1: It’s About Time 3.99
Back to the Future Episode 2: Get Tannen! 3.99
Back to the Future Episode 3: Citizen Brown 3.99
Back to the Future Episode 4: Double Visions 3.99
Back to the Future Episode 5 – OUTATIME 3.99
Baseball Stars 2 8.99
Ben 10 Omniverse 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Ben 10 Omniverse 2 4.99 7.99 14.99 29.99
Big Sky Infinity 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger 2.99 4.99 6.99 11.99
Blazblue Continuum Shift 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
BlazBlue Continuum Shift EXTEND 4.99 14.99 16.99 18.99
BloodRayne: Betrayal 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Capcom Arcade Cabinet All-in-One Pack 3.99 6.99 11.99 22.99
Catherine 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Chime Super Deluxe 2.99 5.99 7.99
Choplifter HD 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Contrast 4.99 6.99 11.99
Crazy Taxi 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Critter Crunch 6.99
Darksiders 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Darksiders 2 4.99 6.99 14.99 29.99
Dead Island Riptide 3.99 6.99 11.99 24.99
Dead or Alive 5 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Dead Rising 2 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Deadliest Warrior: The Game 2.99 3.99 6.99 7.99
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 4.99 6.99 14.99 29.99
Dirt 3 4.99 14.99 19.99 26.99
Dragon’s Lair 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Dynasty Warriors 7 3.99 6.99 11.99 24.99
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron 2.99 4.99 9.99 12.99
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
F1 2013 6.99 11.99 22.99 49.99
Farming Simulator 3.99 9.99 14.99 24.99
Final Fantasy XIII 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Ultimate Bundle 4.99 7.99 14.99 29.99
Galaga Legions DX 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Greg Hastings Paintball 2 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Grid 2 2.99 6.99 11.99 22.99
GripShift v2.0 4.99
Guacamelee Bundle Fantastico 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Hamilton’s Great Adventure 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Hunter’s Trophy 2 – America 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Jimmie Johnson’s Anything With an Engine 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days + DLC 4.99 6.99 11.99 24.99
Killzone 3 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Knytt Underground 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West 2.99 4.99 6.99 9.99
Lost Planet 2 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
LUMINES Supernova 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Madagascar 3: The Video Game 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Magician Lord 8.99
Mega Man 9 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Mega Man 10 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Mercury Hg 2.99 3.99 4.99
Metal Gear Solid 4 3.99 7.99 12.99 14.99
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 2.99 6.99 11.99 22.99
Metal Slug 2 8.99
MX vs ATV: Alive 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
NASCAR ’14 5.99 8.99 18.99 39.99
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge with Online Pass 2.99 6.99 11.99 22.99
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD 2.99 4.99 6.99 9.99
Of Orcs and Men 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Order Up!! 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Overlord: Raising Hell 2.99 6.99 11.99 14.99
Painkiller – Hell & Damnation 3.99 6.99 11.99 24.99
PixelJunk Eden 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
PixelJunk Monsters 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap 6.99
PixelJunk Shooter 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
PixelJunk Shooter 2 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Port Royale 3 Gold Edition 4.99 7.99 14.99 29.99
Rainbow Moon 2.99 2.99 3.99 $6.99
Red Faction Armageddon 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition 6.99 11.99 22.99
Resident Evil Code Veronica X 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game’ 2.99 6.99 11.99 22.99
Ricochet HD 4.99
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Rocket Knight 3.99 4.99 9.99 11.99
Saints Row 2 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Saints Row: The Third The Full Package 4.99 29.99
Sam & Max BTS: Episode 1 – Ice Station Santa 3.99
Sam & Max BTS: Episode 2 – Moai Better Blues 3.99
Sam & Max BTS: Episode 3 – Night of the Raving Dead 3.99
Sam & Max BTS: Episode 4 – Chariots of the Dogs 3.99
Sam & Max BTS: Episode 5 – What’s New Beelzebub? 3.99
Sam & Max The Devil’s Playhouse Episode 1: The Penal Zone 3.99
Sam & Max The Devil’s Playhouse Episode 2: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak 3.99
Sam & Max The devil’s Playhouse Episode 3: They Stole Max’s Brain 3.99
Sam & Max The Devil’s Playhouse Episode 4: Beyond Alley of Dolls 3.99
Sam & Max The Devil’s Playhouse Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep 3.99
Samurai Shodown 8.99
Shatter 7.99
Sky Fighter 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Sniper Elite V2 2.99 6.99 11.99 22.99
Sonic CD 4.99
Space Ace 4.99 6.99 7.99 8.99
Stick It To the Man 2.99 3.99 5.99 9.99
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Swarm 2.99 3.99 4.99
Tales From Space About a Blob Premium Bundle 2.99 $3.99 5.99 7.99
Turbo Super Stunt Squad 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Twisted Metal 2.99 5.99 7.99 14.99
Urban Trial Freestyle 2.99 3.99 5.99 7.99
Way of the Samurai 3 2.99 4.99 6.99 9.99
Zone of the Enders HD Collection 4.99 9.99 19.99 24.99
Zeno Clash 2 2.99 2.99 3.99 4.99
Allikas: IGN