PlayStation TOP (jaanuar 2016)


Peeglike peeglike seina peal, mis on kõige populaarsem mäng PlayStation 4 peal? Ja peegel vastas, “Star Wars: Battlefront on küll populaarne, kuid Rocket League on mitu korda populaarsem mäng PlayStation 4’l.” Ja tõepoolest oli Rocket League jaanuaris enim müüdud mäng PlayStation 4’l.


  1. Rocket League (5)
  2. Star Wars Battlefront (1)
  3. Need for Speed (2)
  4. FIFA 16 (3)
  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (5)
  6. Far Cry 4 (RE)
  7. Minecraft (15)
  8. Grand Theft Auto V (6)
  9. Bloodborne (RE)
  10. Resident Evil 0 (Uus)



  1. Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Season Pass (1)
  2. Bloodborne The Old Hunters (2)
  3. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited -ESO Plus (4)
  4. Rocket League – Back to the Future Car Pack (5)
  5. Rocket League – Chaos Run DLC Pack (2)
  6. Rocket League – Supersonic Fury DLC Pack (7)
  7. Driveclub Bikes (12)
  8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone (8)
  9. Rocket League – Revenge of the Battle-Cars DLC Pack (10)
  10. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – Safari Bundle (Uus)


PS Vita/PSP:

  1. Assassin’s Creed III Liberation (RE)
  2. Mortal Kombat (4)
  3. Minecraft (3)
  4. Rayman Origins (5)
  5. Street Fighter X Tekken (9)
  6. Persona 4 Golden (RE)
  7. Sword Art Online: Lost Song (RE)
  8. Hotline Miami (RE)
  9. Dead Nation (RE)
  10. WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship (RE)



  1. FIFA 16 (1)
  2. Battlefield 4 (4)
  3. Minecraft (3)
  4. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2)
  5. Just Cause 2 (RE)
  6. Goat Simulator (RE)
  7. Tomb Raider (RE)
  8. Assassin’s Creed Rogue (RE)
  9. Mortal Kombat (RE)
  10. Grand Theft Auto V (10)


PS1 ja PS2:

  1. Crash Bandicoot (1)
  2. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped (2)
  3. Final Fantasy IX (8)
  4. Final Fantasy VII (9)
  5. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (3)
  6. Final Fantasy VIII (9)
  7. CTR: Crash Team Racing (4)
  8. Spyro The Dragon Trilogy (6)
  9. Parasite Eve II (RE)
  10. Final Fantasy VI (RE)