PlayStation TOP 10 – juuli 2017


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on teist kuud järjest PlayStation Store’s enim ostetud mäng. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy ülevaatega saab tutvuda siin.

PlayStation VR mängude hulgas on aga eelmisel kuul enim ostetud mänguks loomulikult SUPERHOT VR, mille kohta saab ülevaadet lugeda siit.


  1. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (1)
  2. Grand Theft Auto V (4)
  3. Rocket League (10)
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (20)
  5. Minecraft (12)
  6. Friday the 13th: The Game (2)
  7. FIFA 17 (3)
  8. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
  9. Mortal Kombat XL


  1. Superhot VR (uus)
  2. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (7)
  3. Batman: Arkham VR (2)
  4. Job Simulator (3)
  5. Arizona Sunshine (uus)
  6. PlayStation VR Worlds (4)
  7. Sports Bar VR
  8. Driveclub VR
  9. Robinson: The Journey (6)
  10. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes


  1. Diablo III – Rise of the Necromancer (2)
  2. Call of Duty Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles (1)
  3. Rocket League – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Car Pack (5)
  4. Rocket League – The Fate of the Furious Ice Charger (6)
  5. Fortnite – Standard Founder’s Pack (uus)
  6. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Absolution (uus)
  7. Battlefield 1 – Premium Pass (3)
  8. Rocket League – Supersonic Fury DLC Pack
  9. Rocket League – Masamune
  10. Rocket League – Back to the Future Car Pack

PS Vita

  1. Street Fighter X Tekken
  2. Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
  3. Borderlands 2
  4. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
  5. GTA: Liberty City Stories
  6. Minecraft (6)
  7. Persona 4 Golden (3)
  8. God of War Collection (5)
  9. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
  10. WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship


  1. FIFA 17 (1)
  2. Tekken Tag Tournament 2
  3. Grand Theft Auto V
  4. Minecraft (4)
  5. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
  6. Dragon Ball Xenoverse
  7. Okami
  8. Red Dead Redemption
  9. Demon’s Souls
  10. The Last of Us Game of the Year Edition