PlayStationi poe enim allalaaditud mängud aastal 2021


Millised mängud olid aastal 2021 need kõige enim allalaaditud mängud PlayStation Store’is? Alljärgnevatest tabelitest saad teada, millisele kohale jäid sinu lemmikud.


1NBA 2K22FIFA 22
2Call of Duty: VanguardCall of Duty: Vanguard
3Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles MoralesFIFA 21
4Madden NFL 22Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
5Battlefield 2042Battlefield 2042
6Ratchet & Clank: Rift ApartAmong Us
7Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold WarKena: Bridge of Spirits
8MLB The Show 21FAR CRY 6
9Resident Evil VillageIt Takes Two
10Far Cry 6Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

PS4 Games

USA/Kanada Euroopa
1Grand Theft Auto VFIFA 22
2Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold WarGrand Theft Auto V
4NBA 2K22FIFA 21
5Call of Duty: VanguardCall of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
6Madden NFL 22The Crew 2
7NBA 2K21Red Dead Redemption 2
8Red Dead Redemption 2The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition
9MLB The Show 21Call of Duty: Vanguard
10Mortal Kombat 11The Forest

PS VR Games

1Beat SaberBeat Saber
2Job SimulatorJob Simulator
4GORNCreed: Rise to Glory
5Swordsman VRSwordsman VR
6Creed Rise to GloryThe Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
7Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR SeriesGORN
8The Walking Dead: Saints & SinnersRICK AND MORTY: VIRTUAL RICK-ALITY
9Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-alityVader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series
10The Walking Dead OnslaughtASTRO BOT Rescue Mission

Free-to-Play (PS5 + PS4)

2Call of Duty: WarzoneRocket League
3Rocket LeagueCall of Duty: Warzone
4SplitgateeFootball 2022
5Apex LegendsGenshin Impact
6Genshin ImpactApex Legends
7Destiny 2eFootball PES 2021 LITE
8Rec RoomBrawlhalla
9BrawlhallaDestiny 2
10Rogue CompanySplitgate