The Division 2 parandused täna


The Division 2 serverid on hooldustööde ajaks hetkel kõik maas. Esialgsete plaanide kohaselt kestavad hooldustööd kolm tundi, mängule peaks taas ligi pääsema alates kell 13:30 (Eesti aja järgi).

Tänase uuenduse käigus lubab Ubisoft ära parandada mitmed olulised vead. Näiteks parandatakse lõpuks ära co-op’i skaleerimise probleem. Kui madalama leveli mängija liitus kõrgema leveli mängijaga, siis piisas tihti ühest lasust, et madalama leveliga mängija surma saaks. Värske uuendus lubab selle probleemi ära parandada, tõstes mängija elutaset.

Paranduse saavad ka menüüd ning lõpuks ometi peaks lõpliku paranduse saama ka skillide probleem.

Nimekiri parandustest:


  • Various improvements to reduce frame drops.


  • Changed the Clan Member UI colour to not conflict with Elite enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where players Clan XP contributions could stop registering.


  • Changed Push-to-Talk to be the default VOIP setting.


  • Changed Apparel Store purchase confirmations to a button hold action.
  • Reduced the UI flickering effect present in the menu.
  • Fixed a visual bug that would incorrectly display a grey duplicate backpack reward when opening apparel caches.
  • Fixed the menu distortion animation playing twice under certain circumstances.


  • Fixed abnormal skill behaviour when equipping a skill after having switched to a grenade.
  • Fixed instances of skills going on cool down when deploying a shield.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple Cluster Seeker Mines could be deployed in short succession.


  • Fixed an issue where donating a weapon with mods attached would remove the mods from the players inventory.


  • Fixed daily and weekly missions not resetting for offline players.
  • Improvements made to co-op health scaling.
  • Fixed an issue where armour/gear scaling would not take World Tiers into account.
  • Fixed skill damage incorrectly being scaled twice for low level players joining a high level group.
  • Fixed players potentially becoming stuck on the “Meet The Division Coordinator” objective after having played in Co-op.
  • Fixed players potentially becoming stuck on the “Meet with Odessa Sawyer” objective.

Open world

  • Fixed an issue that would allow players to upgrade neutral control points.

Side missions

  • Fixed an issue that would cause low level players to gain unintended amounts of XP by completing side missions with a high level group member.


  • Fixed an issue where some Logitech headphone users experienced missing in-game audio.


  • Fixed “Navigate Categories” and “Mark as Junk” being bound to the same button in some occurrences.

Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue where the HDR setting slider would not move


Järgmise nädala uuendus toob mängijatele Tidal Basin missiooni ja World Tier 5.