‘Dragonball’ uued osad tulemas!


Mäletad neid aegu, kui olid väike ja alles õppisid Kamehameha’d ?
Ma soovitan sul diivanilt püsti tõusta ja kaks episoodi järjest karjuda, sest Toei Animation kinnitas just, et juba sellel Juulil hakkavad jooksma Dragonballi uued osad.
Nii uskumatult kui see ka ei kõla, pärast 18 aastat viimase osa ilmumisest, tuleb järg ja hakkab esialgu jooksma üks osa nädalas Fuji TV’s kell 9:00 hommikuti, senise Dragonball Kai asemel.
Seriaali uueks nimeks on Dragonball Super(sūpā) ja tegevus hakkab toimuma peale Majin Buu saagat.
Lugu ja tegelasi arendab endiselt seriaali looja Akira Toriyama ning osades on veteran häälnäitlejanna Masako Nozawa.

Siin siis inglise keelne pressiteade Toei Animation’ilt.
Originaali PDF formaadis saab näha siit.

Toei Animation Begins Production on Dragon Ball Super
Drawn From a Plot By The Brand’s Original Creator, Dragon Ball Super Is The First New Series In
Eighteen Years

TOKYO (April 28, 2015) – Toei Animation has announced production on Dragon Ball Super (Japanese title; tentative for English release), the first all-new Dragon Ball television series to be released in 18 years. Following the recent events of the hit feature film, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, Dragon Ball Super will debut in Japan in July 2015.

Reuniting the franchise’s iconic characters, Dragon Ball Super will follow the aftermath of Goku’s fierce battle with Majin Buu, as he attempts to maintain earth’s fragile peace. Overseen by Dragon Ball’s original creator, Akira Toriyama and produced with Fuji Television, Dragon Ball Super will draw on its historic past to create a bold, new universe welcoming to fans and endearing to new viewers.

Introduced as a manga in Weekly Shonen Jump (published from SHUEISHA Inc.) in 1984, Dragon Ball has evolved into a globally beloved brand. Seen in more than 70 countries, with over 230 million copies of its comic books sold, Dragon Ball remains one of the most popular anime series of all time.

“Having loved Dragon Ball since childhood, it is very exciting to be a part of this project,” said Osamu Nozaki, producer for Fuji Television. “Mr. Toriyama has developed a plot that’s not only a dream come true for Dragon Ball‘s millions of fans, but one that will foster in a new generation of viewers.”

“When I joined Toei Animation, one of my first assignments saw me working on the production of Dragon Ball Z,” said Atsushi Kido, producer for Toei Animation. “While there for only a short period of time, being a part of the series left a lasting impression. We look forward to carrying on Dragon Ball‘s tremendous legacy, bringing audiences a brand new Dragon Ball with the same sense of heart and commitment that went into past Dragon Ball productions.”

“I’ve used the word ‘cho’ (super) in so many commercials, games and other media, it is fantastic that the long awaited Dragon Ball Super will finally begin,” said Masako Nozawa, Japanese voice actress of Dragon Ball’s Son Goku, Son Gohan and Son Goten. “I hope that this series will last a long time and have the same impact around the world as its predecessor.”

Kuigi ajaaken on veel täpsustamata, jääb palju ruumi spekuleerimiseks, kas see seriaal hüppab üle GT või viib selleni. Battle of Gods ja Revival of “F” teada olevalt toimuvad 10 aasta, Majin Buu võitluse ja 28. Tenka’ichi Budōkai, vahelises ajaaknas.
Esialgu pole teada, kuna DBS’i Euroopa ja USA telekanalitel näitama hakatakse.